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GSU Education Centre
NIHR Global Health Research Unit on Global Surgery

Developing the global capacity for surgical research through education and training.

A rich variety of different types of learning resources

Expert recorded lectures from researchers actively involved in surgical research
Mobile learning resources delivering bite-sized learning opportunities
Short interactive online courses grounded in surgical research
Webinars delivered by global experts in surgical research
Opportunities to register for longer courses that provide certificates of completion

Browse our subjects

The NIHR Global Health Research Unit on Global Research is launching a range of FREE online courses and resources for new surgical researchers to help grow the global capacity for future research in particular for low and middle-income countries. A list of subjects being covered will include the list to right.

Training resources are also available for trial or study specific research projects.

Subjects include:

  • Community Engagement & Involvement
  • Data Management
  • Health Economics
  • Research Management
  • Qualitative Research
  • Statistics & Research Design
Funding was provided by a Global Health Research Unit Grant (NIHR133364). The views expressed on this site and in all our learning resources are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the NIHR or the UK Department of Health and Social Care.